So here is some
randomness for you. Just a couple of my favorite images from February. Yes, I know we're well into March by now, but,
life happens.
I've been trying to learn more about my camera (and photography in general.) Honestly, it's been alot harder, for me, than I thought. I'm reading, and re-reading (and Chris is explaining and re-explaining) but I'm still not grasping some of the basic concepts. (Plus, I had put my photography self-teaching on hold while I've been researching some other stuff lately. More on that later...)
I'll keep trying, but till then, please have mercy on my skills and I'll just be grateful for the automatic setting on my camera. (Those are my boots by the way. I shot that while experimenting with some manual settings.... I know, my feet are huge!)
As you can imagine, February was full of sweets. The eatable kind and the huggable kind. I like both!
Now we know where Jonah learned his cookie decorating etiquette from.
Luke checking out the consequences of all that splashing. I didn't love the mess, but I love this shot. And I sure do love that little mess maker!
True love.
Ok, I promise not to make him wear that hat again.Miss fashionista strikes a pose.
Opa and his little buddy. They went to see the train exhibits together and had a great time.
Omi shows Luke how they did things
"back in the day". Sunbathing. He really is the best family dog ever. We love you Murphy!!
Prayer chimes. Getting a push from
Little Mister Stripeypants. Happiness.
Fun. Etc...
The 'Valentines Assembly' bonanza. (
Pirates and
Fairies. How'd you guess?)
dear friends, until next post!
What lovely pictures! You have a real eye for a shot!
What awesome pictures! You have real talent! Im so glad I found your blog! :)
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