Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Like Fish to Water

Don't you just love Summertime? All you need is a little bit of water to have a whole lot of fun. The kids are all doing great and having lots of fun this summer. I guess I thought since we weren't taking any trips until September (Rosemary Beach here we come! WooHoo!) that it was going to be a nice slow, quiet summer. (You all know I like slow and quiet.) Toots is loving the summer camp she goes to two days a week. She and Buddy also have swim lessons twice a week and they both go to gymnastics every week too. Whew!

Can you believe Pookers is 8 months old already? Within the last two months he's started sitting up on his own, gotten his first tooth (and is already working on the second one), started crawling, can pull up to standing and will even take little steps while holding your hands. Apparently my kids didn't read my memo about liking things to progress slowly (or quietly!)

Now why doesn't all back fat look this cute? He's just so yummy!

And how 'bout this little bit of brotherly love?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lazy Summer Daze

We're just here trying to keep cool. How is your Summer so far? We'd love to hear from all of you!
This was Pookers first time in a big pool. He had a blast!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

School's Out for Summer

It's hard to believe, but yet another school year has flown by. Hasn't anyone invented a time freezing device yet?! This year Toots was in the 4 year old class and Buddy was in the 2's. Next year he'll be in the 3's class and she'll be in Pre-K. PRE-K!! As in, one more year until KINDERGARTEN in a BIG school. Ughhh, heart palpatations... Ok, ok, one year at a time. I guess part of the anxiety is that my kids are blessed enough to go to one of the best pre-schools ever, filled with incredible teachers who love God and love their students. It will be a hard transition for Mommy when they "graduate" from that warm, fuzzy place. But I'll think about that tomorrow...

Here are some pictures from the end of School Picnic:
Toots with one of her pre-school buddies.

Buddy with one of our family's favorite teachers, Miss Kate. She had Buddy this year and Toots last year. We LOVE Miss Kate!