Our shower for Stacy and Baby Ashtyn... who Auntie Tanya can't wait to meet any day now!
After more than four years of nagging, guilt-tripping, and peer-pressuring, our dear dear DEAR Nicky-T finally came to visit us for a very fun-filled week.
Nic and I took two days off from being Mommy and Auntie to enjoy a road trip to Atlanta and got to spend time with our lifelong friends, Shelley and Shannon. Thanks girls for so much fun and so many belly laughs. (Frozen Monkey Toes and posessed closet lights!)
Jonah with some Preschool buddies at their 'Birthday Party for Jesus'.
On our way to the Preschool Christmas Program. The kids love riding in Daddy's new truck.
Jonah, however, does NOT love geting his picture taken. Maybe I've mentioned that...
Maya with her two fabulous teachers. We love them.
Jonah with his awesome teacher who we consider to be a great blessing to our family.
Maya, front and center. :) She really enjoyed singing in the Christmas Program and took it very seriously. I was so proud of her. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm ALWAYS proud of her!
Jonah, back right (making a funny face) loved the music. He was jammin' during the intro.
Our family Christmas dinner at Sandy's house. Luke was checking out all of Laney's cool toys.
My Loveable Little Lumberjack, Luke.
Never fear, Sir Jonah is here!
Our annual Magnolia Christmas lunch. This group of ladies means so much to me. Almost as dear as "work friends". ;-)
Christmas Eve at Omi & Opa's provided a quick photo op before church. I was able to wrestle Luke into holding still for 1.3seconds to take this picture. Have I mentioned that he is a wild man?
New robes on Christmas morning, as if they weren't already cuddley enough.
It looks like Obi Wan doesn't stand a chance against the scurvy pirates' sneak attack. (Stocking stuffers.)
My favorite present.
My favorite present.
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