Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Rainbow Connection

Who knew that a few colorful bowls could provide so much entertainment?
For the past 7+ years I have primarily used all white dishes. The are very nice, durable, neutral, simple and did I mention, all white dishes. I decided it was time to go out on a limb and spice things up a bit when I saw a few brightly colored bowls at my absolute favorite store.

At first I was going to get all red ones, but that didn't feel very fun, so I added in a few yellow ones too. (I know, you're at the edge of your seat now.) But then things got really crazy. I decided to step way out of the box and just get a whole mess of different colors (gasp)! And, are you ready for this? I didn't even get an equal number of each color!! Can you believe it?!? No, I couldn't either. It's almost just too much excitement for one blog post, isn't it?
Go ahead and laugh at me, if you'd like, but not only have I had tons of fun mixing and matching them according to what I'm serving, but the kids also spent nearly an hour playing with them when I first unpacked them. Three little people, happy and content playing with bowls and kitchen utensils during the usually fussy pre-dinner hour = one grateful Mommy. I just knew being spicy would be fun. Watch out world, I may just start using rainbow colored clothes hangers too! Hmmm, well, that might be taking things a bit too far.
Even though some were hidden, there were many happy smiles floating about.
Searching for the perfect game pieces.
Some of us were apparently not playing according to her rules. (Hey, it's hard when there are so many!)And when you get tired of bowls, there's always tissue boxes.

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